Dr. Zhou Jinfeng Joined the Working Group on Restoration, Conservation and Protection (AHG) of ISO TC331 for Standardized Global Governance
2022/1/24 17:14:00 本站

Recently, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Vice President and Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), officially joined the Working Group on Restoration, Conservation and Protection (AHG) of the International Organization for Standardization Technical Committee on Biodiversity (ISO/TC331).



Based on our previous efforts into the creation of biodiversity evaluation standard, which has been officially identified by ISO, we will continue our endeavors in global technology governance, environment governance, as well as solidifying our professional and social position as a first-class society in the field of biodiversity.  

Original Chinese article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mXjDs7gwIvO542UUG0Y9yw



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