CBCGDF Volunteer Field Investigation: Why Are the Isolation Nets in the Wetland Core Area Not Removed?
2020/7/28 15:33:00 本站

On July 11, 2020, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) volunteer rushed to the Haixing Wetland early in the morning as usual.


When the volunteer rushed to the core area of the wetland, found that the current water level of the Haixing Wetland had dropped by 15 cm compared to the highest water level. Although there were two heavy rains in the previous two days, it can be seen from the soil conditions that the soil in the Haixing Wetland is still relatively dry. The reason may be due to the sandy clay nature of the soil in the wetland, which causes the water to penetrate very quickly.


In addition, the volunteer also discovered that in the core area of the Haixing Wetland, there are still isolation nets blocked by a company's breeding activities, and some of them are newly enclosed. The volunteer thinks: "Some birds often habitat near the isolation nets. However, some birds easily hit these isolation nets while flying. Moreover, the meshes of these isolation nets can just get the birds' heads out, giving their fate a layer of dangerous uncertainty. Therefore, the existence of the isolation nets affects the survival and foraging of birds. Relevant companies located in the core area should obey the relevant regulations and supervision of the management department and carry out removing these nets. "




(Photo credit: CBCGDF volunteer)

Original Chinese article:


By / Liu Xiling (Volunteer) Modified / Maggie





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