Need to Strengthen the Supervision of Illegal Wildlife Trade on the E-commerce Platforms | CBCGDF Legal Work Committee Put Forward Five Recommendations to the National Internet Information Office
2020/7/12 11:12:00 本站

The establishment of a legal supervision system for the illegal trading of wild animals and plants and products, and the illegal sale of hunting tools on the Internet platform is crucial to the full implementation of the "Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Comprehensively Prohibiting Illegal Wildlife Trade, Eliminating the Abuse of Wild Animal Eating and Safeguarding the People's Life, Health and Safety", the further promotion the implementation of the National Internet Information Office’s Notice of “Each website platform shall not publish the content of the rare and endangered wild plants in the ‘National List of Key Protected Plants’, comprehensive self-examination and clean-up related information”.


To this end, the legal work committee of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has officially put forward five suggestions to the National Internet Information Office through the official mailbox on its official website on July 7:


1. Led by the National Internet Information Office, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the State Forestry and Grassland Administration to carry out special remediation operation on the E-commerce platforms illegal transactions of wildlife and their products, to severely crack down on the wildlife crimes on the e-commerce platforms including the illegal trade of wild animals, plants and products, as well as the illegal trade of hunting tools.


2. Led by the National Internet Information Office, to develop the “Measure for Environmental Supervision and Management of E-commerce Platforms” to strictly regulate the environmental supervision responsibilities of E-commerce platforms and investigate and punish violations according to law.


3. Establish an environmental credit management system for the e-commerce platform, implement the control of the source, and specifically implement point-based management. Low-point platforms need to be rectified in a timely manner.


4. Establish an interview mechanism for major issues of environmental supervision of e-commerce platforms and make the interview content public.


5. Implement the annual mandatory environmental reporting system of the e-commerce platform and make it public.


(Photo credit: Pixabay)

Original Chinese article:

By / Maggie

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