Showing the Kids a Special Experience of the Starry Sky | "Light Pollution and Starry Sky Protection" Series Science Events on Campus
2019/5/12 15:06:00 本站

On the afternoon of May 5, a lecture on "Light Pollution and Dark Night Protection" was held at Beijing University of Chemical Technology, co-sponsored by the starry sky Committee of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), the "Science Popularization China-Science Frontier Master Talks" and the Popularization Committee of the Chinese Astronomical Society.


Ren Xiaodong, Director of the starry sky Committee of CBCGDF, gave a lecture to the students of the "Astronomy Association of Star-watchers" of Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Lectures ranged from the beauty of the starry sky to the hazards of light pollution, the impact of light pollution on ecosystems, animals, plants and human beings, how to control light pollution and the status of dark night protection at home and abroad. In recent years, the starry sky Committee of CBCGDF has promoted the significance of controlling light pollution and establishing the dark night protection zones in China, and what young scholars and the public can do. On the other hand, we shared and introduced the concept of light pollution and dark night protection to the students, so that they had a clearer understanding of the concept.


A starry sky is not only a kind of deep and vast beauty but also an accomplishment formed by national spirit. The history and culture of human beings for thousands of years should not be lost in our generation. Environmental protection and quality of night sky environment should be paid more attention. In the exchange with the students, we hope that the college students can inherit and carry forward the "the Spirit of the May Fourth Movement", cherish the precious time during the University and study hard, contribute enthusiasm and strength to the construction of beautiful China and the protection of the earth's homeland.

(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:

By / Li Xue