Clematis Acerifolia has been listed as a national second-class protected wild plant
2021/9/23 16:37:00 本站

Clematis Acerifolia was listed as a local first-level protected plant in “The List of Beijing Key Protected Wild Plants” released in 2008. However, since Clematis Acerifolia was not listed in the national Protection list before, the theft of Clematis Acerifolia occurred from time to time, and it was difficult to punish the excavators according to law.

CBCGDF Plant Group has been following up the mining of Clematis Acerifolia in Beijing. Some relevant departments responded that Clematis Acerifolia has not reached the level of national key protected plant, which is not under the jurisdiction of forest public security. However, it belongs to the management scope of Forest seed and Seedling Management Station, and relevant departments have handed over evidence materials and summaries of volunteers' records (related link: Latest progress of Clematis Acerifolia incident in Beijing: Transferred to Forest seed and Seedling Management Station, forest police will intensify inspections | CBCGDF Plant Group will continue to follow up).

On September 8, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs released the latest list of Wild Plants under State Key protection (hereinafter referred to as the List). Clematis Acerifolia is listed as national second-class protected wild plant.

Chapter II of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wild Plants stipulates that wild plants can be divided into the list of wild plants under special state protection and the list of wild plants under special local protection. For the collection of national second-class protected wild plant, an application for a collection license shall be submitted to the competent department at the next higher level or to an agency authorized by it after the opinions are signed by the relevant department of the collecting place. The sale or purchase of national second-class protected wild plant must be approved by relevant departments. In violation of the regulations, wild plants and illegal income shall be confiscated and a fine imposed. If the case constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law. (Related link: Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Wild Plant Protection

At the same time, we note that there is a gap of 22 years between this adjustment and the 1999 list. Such a long time span, various factors such as environmental pollution, climate change and human activities can easily lead to the endangerment of wild plants. As an important part of the ecosystem and the basis of the food chain/web, the change of wild plant species may trigger a series of chain reactions, leading to the imbalance of the ecosystem and the change of other species, resulting in ecological disasters. Therefore, we hope that relevant departments can carry out a nationwide assessment of the endangered wild plants register on a regular basis, update and adjust the list regularly, save endangered wild plants in time, protect biodiversity and maintain ecological balance.

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