Zhou Jinfeng Joined the IUCN Green Criminology Specialist Group | Enhance Global Cooperation on Environmental Governance
2019/8/6 10:40:00 本站

Zhou Jinfeng, the Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), has joined the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Green Criminology Specialist Group (GCSG) to share and collaborate on global ecological governance.

The GCSG is a global expert network placed to provide guidance on identifying transgressions that are harmful to humans, environments, and wildlife, regardless of legality per se. It is formed by IUCN Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP).

In terms of green criminology, CBCGDF led by Dr. Zhou Jinfeng has made active exploration. He is also a researcher at the Environmental Judicial Theory Research Base of the Supreme People's Court, and the chairman of the China Pangolin Research Center. He has edited the "Environmental Public Interest Litigation Case Selection (Volume 2018)" and has led more than half of China's environmental public interest litigation cases involving endangered and rare wildlife, habitats, ancient trees, immovable cultural relics, and environmental pollution.

Court Hearing Video: On May 6th, 2019, China's first public interest civil lawsuit over pangolin deaths began, Zhou Jinfeng spoke up for the deaths of a group of live pangolins that were seized by General Administration of Customs and sent to a rescue center in Guangxi Province: http://tingshen.court.gov.cn/live/5456942?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0

The mission of the IUCN Green Criminology Specialist Group (GCSG) is to assemble an international network of researchers, scholars and activists concerned with the political, social and economic relationships in society that breed ecological damage considering different thematic grouping and the physical location of harm within particular geographic contexts, in order to identify impacts of a negative nature that affect the environment as a result of human activity and to provide insightful analysis to these challenges.

The Green Criminology (GC) Specialist Group's mandate is framed within the mission of CEESP and its eight programme priorities and has the ultimate aim of influencing policy and practice.

This new discipline challenges not only the sustainability of the earth's ecosystem but also challenges the criminology. Although the form and influence of green crime are increasing day by day, the traditional criminology research has not paid enough attention to this field. With the further progress of China's ecological civilization construction and the pursuit of the vision of harmony between man and nature, it is urgent for Chinese academia to pay more attention to and participate in the global environmental governance in this respect.


(Photo credit: IUCN)


(Photo credit: Madagasikara Voakajy – IUCN)

Original Chinese article:


By / Xue Tongtong Modified / Niu Jingmei