“Green Meeting Index” (GMI) Has Been Issued to Promote Sustainable Development in the Events Industry
2019/6/23 19:48:00 本站

The report of the Nineteenth National Congress clearly pointed out that we should promote the comprehensive conservation and recycling of resources, implement national water-saving actions, reduce energy consumption and material consumption, and realize the circular link between production and living systems. We also should advocate a simple, green and low-carbon lifestyle, oppose unreasonable consumption, and carry out actions such as creating conservation-oriented organizations, green families, green schools, green communities and green travel.


On June 19, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) officially issued the Green Meeting Index (GMI). This index evaluates food, housing, transportation, waste, paperless meeting, biodiversity, energy consumption, and other aspects. It aims to promote the green development spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress to be reflected through specific indicators and evaluated in a simple and easy way.


According to the statistics published by the Analysis Report on Market Prospect and Investment Opportunity of Exhibition Industry in 2011 was only 301.6 billion yuan. By the end of 2017, the direct economic output value of China's exhibition industry had exceeded 600 billion yuan, reaching 629.7 billion yuan. Therefore, whether the exhibition industry is green and sustainable, it directly related to the high-quality development of our country.


Up to now, GMI is the first clear and easy index on "Green Meeting" in China. GMI will be conducted by field investigation and evaluation. At the end of each meeting, GMI evaluators will feedback the evaluation results to the sponsors, providing evaluation and improvement advice from the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and suggestions, in order to help the sponsors to better improve the meeting in the future.

Original Chinese article:


By / Li Xue