Warning Signs are Placed in CBCGDF China Conservation Area for Libellula Angelina at Tianjin | Let’s Protect the Ecological Environment Together
2019/8/15 15:20:00 本站

The crisis of "China Conservation Area for Libellula Angelina at Tianjin" has lasted for more than one month. With the efforts of the CBCGDF and the directors of the Conservation Area, the ecological environment of the site has been well protected. But for fear of tourists entering and carrying out destructive hunting and fishing, people decided to place warning signs around the "China Conservation Area for Libellula Angelina at Tianjin" to remind tourists to protect the environment.


With the support of two directors of Conservation areas, gardeners and district agricultural committees, warning signs have been placed in different places one after another. Thank the directors for their efforts, not only for the protection of "China Conservation Area for Libellula Angelina at Tianjin", but also in the hot sun carrying sand, cement, the warning signs firmly fixed on the ground; thank the gardeners for their efforts, active action to support the protection work, clean up the cages, increase patrols. We should make an effort to place warning signs and make warning signs in contact with relevant units. We should thank the District Agricultural Commission for its efforts that support the protection work and provide money for warning signs. The CBCGDF would like to thank the Agricultural Commission for its recognition, efforts, and support. 


It is hoped that the storm of "China Conservation Area for Libellula Angelina at Tianjin" can be completely calmed down with the efforts of all people and that tourists can protect the ecological environment with the warning signs, so that wildlife can be protected in a good ecological environment. CBCGDF thanks you again for your efforts.



(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:


By / Li Xue