CBCGDF Team Visited the Tianjin Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Communicated on the Work of the CBCGDF CCA for Libellula Angelina at Tianjin
2019/6/30 15:38:00 本站

On the morning of June 25th, the working team from China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) and the director and the deputy director of the CBCGDF “China Conservation Area for Libellula Angelina at Tianjin” (CCAfa) went to the Tianjin Planning and Natural Resources Bureau to communicate the follow-up work of the on-site conservation, hoping to build a long-lasting protection mechanism to better promote the work of the CCAfa.


Upon arrival, the relevant heads of the Forest Wildlife Service Department of the Tianjin Planning and Natural Resources Bureau warmly welcomed the CBCGDF team and described some of the work currently being carried out by relevant government departments. It is understood that according to the “Tianjin Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee's Decision on the Approval of the Permanent Protection of Ecological Areas”, and the “Tianjin Ecological Land Protection Red Line Delineation Plan”, the area where the Libellula Angelina (Scientific Name: Libellula angelina Selys) was discovered recently has been included in the red line area of the permanent ecological zone. Except for the planned and constructed land that has been approved by the municipal government, all construction activities unrelated to protection are prohibited.


The cut reeds activity discovered by the CBCGDF team on June 21 should be a normal landscape renovation in the park and does not violate the relevant regulations; however, the relevant departments have learned that the cut reeds has serious adverse effects on Libellula Angelina and the surrounding ecological environment. This activity has been urgently stopped.


Due to fire protection requirements, reeds are supposed to be cut off when there is minimal impact on the ecology. Further exploration is needed on how to minimize the interference of the park’s visitors to this CBCGDF CCAfa site and how to coordinate the relationship between man and nature. In addition, after communication, the park will set up an office for the director and deputy director of the CCAfa site and volunteers in the park for rest.


Participants also discussed the protection work of the China Conservation Area for Herons at Tianjin, which is being prepared, and the relevant departments will evaluate the local heron status.


Thanks to the relevant departments of Tianjin for their support of the CCA for Libellula Angelina at Tianjin protection work!




(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:


By / Niu Jingmei