From Milu Deer to Starry Sky: CBCGDF’s Starry Sky Working Committee “Wild Deer Dang” Prepares "China Conservation area for Dark Night Conference"
2019/6/1 14:10:00 本站

Recently, the head of the Starry Sky Working Committee of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) went to Dafeng District of Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, to discuss with the head of the "China Conservation Area for Dark Night-Wild Deer Dang" about the preparations for the "China Conservation area for Dark Night Conference" planned to be held in October this year in Dafeng, and also discuss with the leaders of the government of Dafeng District of Yancheng City on the orientation and content of the relevant activities. The activities of the conference were strongly supported by the governments of Dafeng District, and good progress and results were achieved.


During the discussion on the construction of conservation areas and the future development, we talked about a topic: from 1985 to 2019, from elk to the starry sky, the CBCGDF seems to have a profound origin with Dafeng. So, in 34 years, what has the CBCGDF brought to Dafeng?


Elk (Milu deer) originating in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and Yellow River, has a history of nearly 3 million years. It is a rare and endangered animal unique to China. Its horn resembles antlers, faces resemble horse faces, hoofs resemble cattle hoofs, tails resemble donkey tails, commonly known as "David deer". Elk was finally extinct in the early nineteenth century due to killing, reclamation of elk habitat, climate change and etc. Artificial breeding of elk was also looted in 1900 because of the invasion of Beijing by the Allied Forces of the Eight Powers. Since then, the elk have disappeared, which has lived in China for millions of years.


With the development of history and the change of times, the Worldwide Fund for Nature, the British Government and the owner of the Manor of Utopian Temple, Duke Beverly, presented 79 elks to the Chinese government in three batches in 1985, 1986 and 1987. They were kept in Nanhaizi Elk Park, Beijing, Dafeng Elk Nature Reserve, Jiangsu and the Western Suburb Zoo of Shanghai. The predecessor of the CBCGDF was the China Elk Foundation, which was approved by the State Council in 1985. After the return of elks, after more than 30 years of scientific research and effective protection work, theCBCGDF, its cooperator, scientists and technicians, and the workers of nature reserves have made the elk safely return to the nature: introduction, expansion, return to nature, and successfully restored its wild population in its original place. This achievement has become a successful example for China to save endangered animals in the world.


For thousands of years, humanity has been looking up at the starry sky. However, in the past hundred years, light pollution has spread due to overuse of illumination. Two-thirds of the world's cities have lost sight of the galaxy and major stars of the constellations. The night environment of man and the biosphere has been destroyed and eroded. Astronomical observations have been disturbed. The common astronomical resources and heritage of mankind are being lost. The starry sky of the dark night is natural and cultural resources and heritage of mankind, and it is an inseparable part of the ecological environment. It is of great significance to pay attention to coping with the increasingly serious light pollution, to maintain the night environment on which all kinds of animals and plants depend, and to enable human beings to observe and enjoy the charm of the starry sky from generation to generation.


After in-depth exchanges, everyone agreed that: from reintroduction of elk to establishment of Conservation area for starry sky, from protection of endangered species to protection of natural resources, two events in nearly 40 years, CBCGDF has always upheld the basic purpose of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, bringing the practical action of green development and the value concept of ecological civilization to Dafeng. In his speech at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Expo, General Secretary Xi Jinping insisted that "we should maintain the overall balance of the earth's ecology so that future generations can not only enjoy rich material wealth but also look at the starry sky, see the mountains and smell the fragrance of flowers."

The road is long. In the future, we will continue to cooperate with all walks of life and make unremitting efforts to add richer and deeper colors to beautiful China.


The road is long. In the future, we will continue to cooperate with all walks of life and make unremitting efforts to add richer and deeper colors to beautiful China.

(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:

By / Li Xue