The 97th CCAfa of CBCGDF reported by Haikou TV and Haikou Daily
2018/11/4 22:12:00 本站

On October 30th and November 1st, Haikou TV Station and Haikou Daily reported on the CCA for a Mangrove wetland in Dongzhaigang in Haikou City. Sophia, the Assistant Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), and Kewu Yin, the Director of the CCA for Wetland at Dongzhaigang, were interviewed by the media.


The establishment of this protected area is another effort by CBCGDF to protect the ecological system of wetlands and to explore the way of effective integration of the local community and government protection systems. CBCGDF hopes that by building a more comprehensive and systematic protection system, protected areas will be more integrated by CCAfa.


The visitors interviewed highly acknowledged the CCA for wetland and reckoned it as a “noble action”, and they believe that it was their mission to protect and develop that place. They all showed their interests when offered to join the volunteer team of the wetland.


Sophia, together with the Assistant-Administrator of Dongzhaigang National Protected area, announced its establishment by taking off the cover of the Plaque for CCAfa.


In the interview, Sophia said,”we hope that the CCAfa for Dongzhaigang will work closely with the administration for the betterment of the Mangrove wetland. There are many ways to protect the wetland jointly such as patrolling, education, scientific research and international exchanges.”

Original News Article:


(Photo: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:

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