CBCGDF will Soon Establish Community Conservation Area for Yellow-Breasted Bunting at Tianjin | Here Come the Iron Guardian Ladies of Birds
2020/8/10 10:26:00 本站

Recently, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) Research Department received an application from Tianjin volunteers to establish the CBCGDF Community Conservation Area for Yellow-breasted bunting (Emberiza aureola) at Tianjin to strengthen the protection and education about migratory birds.


CBCGDF will conduct a careful review in accordance with relevant procedures and support volunteers to protect yellow-breasted buntings.


The yellow-breasted bunting breeds in open scrubby areas that consist of dry water rice fields for foraging and reedbeds for roosting, often near water, and is present in Siberia. It lays four to six eggs in a nest on the ground. Its food consists of insects when feeding young, and otherwise seeds.


Until 2004, the IUCN consider the yellow-breasted bunting to be a species of least concern. Since 2004, it has been gradually upgraded to a status of Critically Endangered due to rapid drops in population sizes. It is subject to heavy hunting pressure in China, through which most specimens pass during migration.


Birds are flushed then caught in mist-nets, to be sold for consumption as "sparrows" or "rice birds". Even though the actions have been restricted to a small area in southern China, it has become more widespread and popular to increasing wealth, and hunters now travel long distances to find sufficient birds. Shifts in rice paddy irrigation practices have reduced the quality and quantity of wintering habitats, including the loss of water stubble, and the loss of reedbeds has reduced available roost sites.


Through the establishment of this CBCGDF CCA for yellow-breasted bunting at Tianjin, it will help protect most areas of migratory birds during the migration through protection publicity and education, cooperate and assist local law enforcement agencies, and local conservationists volunteers to combat illegal hunting and killing of endangered wildlife.






(Photo credit: CBCGDF volunteer)

Original Chinese article:


By / Yao Jiahui (Intern) Modified / Niu Jingmei





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