CBCGDF Established the Green Children Base in Baoquanling Bureau Primary School in Heilongjiang Province | The Public Interest Force of Children’s Prints
2019/10/28 16:15:00 本站

Recently, the Green Children working group of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) received an application from Heilongjiang Province Agricultural Reclamation Baoquanling Administration Bureau Direct Primary School: now this provincial key primary school with excellent printmaking education has become one of the CBCGDF Green Children bases.


Baoquanling Bureau Primary School is a provincial-level standardized public elementary school in Heilongjiang Province, and the National Studies Demonstration Primary School of the Ministry of Education. There are more than 1,800 students in the school. This school has a very distinctive print culture. The creation of children's prints began in 1990. The students' printmaking is based on the local, from the life, rooted in the black land of the Great Northern Wilderness, and the creation features are outstanding. For more than 20 years, the students have created more than 4,000 pieces of prints.


What is rare is that the school integrates the idea of eco-environment into the education of printmaking. Under the guidance of the teachers, the printmaking courses offered to the students incorporate a variety of content such as “What is light pollution”, “Renewable energy utilization”, “Environmental protection for you and me”, and “Environmental vehicles in dreams”. The students also involuntarily received environmental education in the creation of more than a thousand environmentally friendly prints. The teachers have also reached a certain level of research and development on environmental education. They have been highly praised by international organizations such as UN Environment, and their printmaking works have won many international awards.


Some famous people in the international environmental protection, art and education circles have commented on the prints of these primary school students: "The geographical features of these prints are outstanding. Without the real experience in the life of the Northern Wilderness, it is impossible to create such wonderful prints. In the prints of the children, it seems that we can smell the fragrance of the black land.” “The beauty is everywhere, the key is to have a pair of eyes to discover beauty, and the children of Baoquanling Bureau Primary School have done it.”


In recent years, the Baoquanling Bureau Primary School has also included public welfare science activities such as “Prohibition of burning straw, returning to the blue sky”, “Environmental protection is no small matter, environmental protection with me”, etc., and carry out environmental protection subject lectures among teachers and students throughout the school.


After the establishment of this Green Children base, CBCGDF will give more resources support based on the school’s achievements by far and help the school to enrich the ecological civilization more effectively integrated into campus education through more activities and artistic creation.






(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:


By / Maggie