CBCGDF Representative Attended the China Rural Revitalization Think Tank Expert Symposium
2019/8/27 15:43:00 本站

In the afternoon of 19th August, the representative of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) attended the China Rural Revitalization Think Tank Expert Symposium in Beijing and shared CBCGDF's efforts in promoting rural development and encouraging youth growth. Now the meeting notes are shared as follows.


The theme of this symposium is "Make Full Use of Professionals to Help the Young Generation". The event aims to implement the rural revitalization strategy and the Central Committee of the Communist Young League's instructions on relevant work, and thus to boost youth education and play the full role of the young generation. The meeting was hosted by Mr. Liu Shifu, Secretary-General of the Chinese Rural Revitalization Think Tank.


Mr. Hu Jiandang, director of China Youth Rural Development Center of China Youth Daily and Deputy Director of Rural Revitalization Youth Service Working Group, introduced the construction of youth service station in rural areas, and its five major functions- that is to provide intelligent support for the youth development in rural areas by combing professionals’ experience and resources, thus finding, guiding, training talents and making it possible for them to make achievement in rural revitalization.


Then, several think-tank experts gave speeches on how to make full use of professionals.


Professor Ma Kangmei, former vice president of China University of Political Science and Law, is one of the first experts to engage in the think tank. She shared her work and research experience and put forward some suggestions, such as establishing a work exchange platform, formulating a work plan, division of labor and cooperation, actively providing services and assistance to young people, organizing expert research and so on.


Mr. Wang Dasheng, director of the Agricultural Project Office of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, put forward some suggestions on how to play the role of young college students as village officials and do a good job in rural revitalization according to his experience in agriculture in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The author is more impressed by the fact he mentioned that it takes a long period for scientists to achieve progress in subjects.


The speech delivered by Mr. Li Douluo, former mayor of Nanchang, Jiangxi province can be viewed.


Mr. Xiang Hongbin, deputy executive director of innovative development forum, put forward with suggestions on fund guarantee and management.


Professor Yao Yanan from Beijing Jiaotong University shared his views on rural revitalization from the perspective of science and technology such as robot and 5G.


Mr. Fan Xuezhong, chief editor of Rural Revitalization magazine made a speech.


Mr. Qi Mingqiu, former secretary of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation and think-tank expert, gave a closing speech by summarizing the views of experts from five aspects and putting forward five insights on the construction of rural revitalization think tank and the empowerment of young people.


(This article is compiled based on the representative’s meeting notes, without the confirmation of the speakers.)



(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:


By / Wang Yanqing