Destroy Wetlands and Afforestation Under the Digital Pressure on Forest Cover? The Ecological Value of Coastal Wetlands Should be Included in the Government’s Assessment System | Research in Nanhui Dongtan, Shanghai (II) (Part II)
2019/7/31 11:03:00 本站

These trees are planted under the dike. They were also shelter-belts, and after more than 30 years of growth, it is now the most beautiful landscape road in Shanghai. Isn't it a good thing?" According to the introduction, the relevant personnel of Lingang New Town Development and Construction Management Committee said that they believed that from the point of view of time-lapse, the Metasequoia forest —— which is now criticized by Nanhui Dongtan bird volunteers, would also form into a new landscape belt of land roads in the future.


If the current development and construction only conform to the vicissitudes of the sea and natural silting into the land, that situation may occur in a few hundred years. However, the real situation is that in recent decades, people are eager to change the beach into construction land through manual reclamation, the speed of filling is far beyond the speed at which sediments accumulate and land. In 2004, since the completion of the dike near the sea in Nanhui Dongtan, the largest number of land within the dike has been hundreds of square kilometers, most of which are wetlands.


So, how much space should be left for a wetland in the future construction of Lingang New Town? How much space should be left for natural beaches and migratory birds? Before the detailed planning of the functional areas of Lingang New Town, including wetland planning and construction land planning, it is a destruction to plant trees in the wetland. It is also not advisable for the relevant departments to use low ecological value practices to destroy or replace native species with high ecological value.

(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:

By / Xue Tongtong