Beijing Swifts Come Back - CBCGDF Calls for A More Friendly Urbanization for The Migratory Species' Rejuvenation
2019/5/28 14:27:00 本站

Beijing Swifts are coming back! We are glad that their population has not declined - they remained at the same level as in 2018, according to CBCGDF's Birding Society. It's a native species to Beijing; they have become an inherent part of Beijing's culture & history and are considered auspicious.


The Swifts used to be very common in the area. They often build nests in old city buildings. Beijing is a city with a long history. It has a large number of ancient buildings and Royal gardens. In recent years, however, with the acceleration of urbanization in the Capital city, a large number of ancient buildings have been demolished, and the remaining ones have been installed with bird-proof nets, which left those swifts homeless. The CBCGDF's Birding Society has been monitoring this migratory species for years. According to our research, there were only 2700 these birds in Beijing in 2014.


Last year, Beijing launched a draft Guidelines for Design of Preservation and Renewal of Historic and Cultural Blocks in Beijing to solicit public opinions. The CBCGDF advised the government to consider biodiversity conservation in its new planning. Exemplified by the Beijing Swifts' current status and challenges, CBCGDF suggested the Beijing Government include the Conservation of the city's indigenous & native species in the policy's General Principles of Planning and to provide a more friendly environment for the species' rejuvenation.


(Photo source: Internet)


(Photo credit: Terry Townshend)


(Photo credit: 夏日记忆)

By / Linda