Zhou Jinfeng’s Proposal of “China’s Ecological Civilization” to the Club of Rome Has Been Shared with Participants of The First Meeting of the “Emerging New Civilization Initiative” (Part II)
2019/3/24 12:55:00 本站

Historical evidence abound. For instance, the evolution from the Primitive "Hunter/Gather" Civilization to the Agricultural Civilization was accompanied by the popularization of food production technologies and tools. Our ancestors for survival reasons recognized seeds and domestications as key factors for moving from slash-and-burn cultivation to agricultural production. The talent for creating and applying tools helps distinguish human beings from other animals, which once more highlights the power of technology.


The Ecological Civilization can be differentiated from the Industrial Civilization by Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.” If well integrated into biological sciencesthese two technologies will help write gene code and create new species, which will have profound implications on future generations with their potential to resist diseases, detect and conquer ecological disasters, and all these come from sustainable use of the power of nature and life.


Sand storms provide a valuable case to explore. Sand storms along the source region of the Yangtze River would have gone well unnoticed without timely satellite cloud pictures to signal the oncoming danger. Artificial Intelligence likewise makes an effective simulation, deduction, and intervention possible and practical. Ecological landscapes will be saved from human intrusion through the introduction of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality into the tourism industry. Virtual collision tests can be carried out without human involvement. And in agriculture, which is a perpetual source of human anxiety, transgenic technology will help increase crop yield and improve plant quality, so as to overcome existing constraints imposed by traditional agricultural technology.


Of course, I am not saying that Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are without problems. In fact, a consensus has yet to be reached regarding their role in human society of the future. But just like a toddler who may fall down when learning how to walk, there will also be a back and forth trajectory for the development and application of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. What should be kept in mind is that despite their irrefutable value for the future, their application requires holistic circumspection.


Ecological Civilization is not what is to come; we have already entered the era of Ecological Civilization." The pace of the advent of Ecological Civilization is astounding. All the ecological challenges facing people today are among the most eloquent proof of this. Our experiences with the ultraviolet ray and the ozone layer are one example. In fact, this is truly an emergency in the era of Ecological Civilization, because ultraviolet rays are capable of eliminating all life on earth. The Montreal Protocol helped mend the ozone hole, thus protecting life from a disastrous catastrophe.


We need not wait for another 100 years for an Ecological Civilization; on the contrary, it is already there. Therefore, it is crucial we take immediate actions to adjust ourselves, collaborate with others as much as possible, and intelligently ramp up the pace for effectively dealing with climate and biodiversity problems. A renowned futurist once told me: "there may be more advantages with your system in the future, compared with others". This refers to one of our long-held ideologies that "collaborative efforts represent a stronger implementation of the human will to confront natural and ecological challenges, which can never be cast as an individual problem".


The Open Debate & Engagement Meeting on the Club of Rome’s “Emerging New Civilization Initiative” in Dubrovnik will certainly be a milestone in human history. The Club of Rome and the World Academy of Art and Science have the most distinguished and renowned scholars and researchers from all over the world. And the occasion will serve as the most ideal platform for the collision and melding of the most up-to-date and insightful research outcomes from our joint exploration of the New Civilization.


The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation believe the Open Debate & Engagement Meeting an important learning opportunity. At this international platform, CBCGDF and I as a Member of the Club of Rome would like to share and exchange Chinese ideas and studies on Ecological Civilization. We would appreciate each and every comment and the feedback from our respected colleagues and friends because we deem them to be fundamental contributions to China's efforts for the Construction of the Ecological Civilization and A Community of Shared Future for Mankind.


By / Lu Lei