CBCGDF contributes knowledge and research for Yinyang City Forest
2019/3/7 16:15:00 本站

On March 23rd, 2019, the Yin Yang City Forest, a special ecological development project will be launched by Yin Yang Music Festival to join the goals of China National Tree Planting Festival. On that day, 10,000 trees will be planted. Citizens, media, students, and whoever care about the nature will all be invited to “get their hands dirty”, planting trees and celebrate nature on March 23: Tree Planting Day& Yin Yang City Forest opening party.


In the preparation, CBCGDF provides information about the local trees and species in Tianjin, especially those helpful for the urban environment for the knowledge stand. In the meantime, CBCDGF will also offer the information on how trees benefit city development, how valuable volunteers are.


The project is a statement that biodiversity mainstreaming needs to start with public participation, while most forces are from cities due to the accelerated urbanization. It is a start for people to realize the importance of the ecological, a turning point for PEOPLE to actually join the course.


The Yin Yang City Forest is funded by Yin Yang Music Festival since 2018, supported by the local government, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, East China Normal University, MTD Landscape architects who all exerts their knowledge and resources to make it happen.


In the opening party, visitors, students, and media, as part of biodiversity, are all invited to enjoy creating a piece of nature. They will learn about the healing function of a forest, play sports, dance on music to celebrate this special day.



(Photo credit: Yin Yang Music Festival)

By / Cathelina