Some Quotes From CBD COP14 | CBCGDF
2018/11/30 18:32:00 本站

Author / Cat

Nature and human always seem to be two opposite and conflict parts. One must compromise and the other must win. But it seldom occurs to people that we are part of biodiversity. Biodiversity is our way of life. As Christiana Pasca Plamer, the executive secretary of CBD said in her statement on the opening ceremony day, “Safeguarding life on Earth is a truly global issue-- one that affects all of humanity and, indeed, all species on this one small planet that we call home”. Indeed, the small planet is our home, and we are within it.


China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, as a platform for public awareness, has been committed to update readers about the knowledge and inspiring news and stories for years. Now that the CBD COP14 has come to an end, ;et’s listen to what people think of the relationship between nature and human in the last few days shared by Global Youth Biodiversity Network.


Nature Shrinks as capital grows. The growth of the market cannot solve the very crisis it creates.

-Vandana Shiva, Soil Not Oil: Environmental Justice in an Age of Climate Crisis


Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political or social boundaries.

-Jimmy Carter


Even though CBD COP14 is finished, the work is yet to be continued. As the new year begins, we will embark the journey from Sharm El-Sheikh to Beijing!


(Photo source: Internet)