Quotes from the CBD COP 14 | Let’s not forget their dynasty and the knowledge our ancestors shared with us
2018/11/27 18:30:00 本站

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China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, as a platform for public awareness, has been committed to update readers about the knowledge and inspiring news and stories for years. During 14th November to 21st November, CBCGDF delegates have attended multiple working groups and side events. Here are some quotes to addressing different issues such as synthetic biology, financial mechanism, resources sharing etc. More are coming in the upcoming days.


We are part of the nature. We are here to protect nature and fight for nature. Our ancestors honored nature and protected nature. Let’s not forget their dynasty and the knowledge they shared with us. Let’s live in harmony with nature.” —— Christiana Pasca Plamer, Executive Secretary, CBD


Despite of all efforts…The CBD did not achieve all its goals due to the lack of mainsteaming of biodiversity…We need to move from a vision phase to an action phase…All stakeholder need to take action now in order to preserve biodiversity in all sectors of human activities, —— Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President, the Arab Republic of Egypt 


We are running out of time. This is now the time for action. Africa commits for strategic action for achieving Aichi targets. We don’t just need ratification, but there should be additional indicators and factors to check the implementation of the strategic action plan. We include Aichi target 16, which is related to genetic resources, equitable and benefit sharing mechanism in the agenda item 8 on review of progress. —— Cameroon on behalf of the Africa Group


(Photo source: Internet)