CBCGDF Proposes Group Standard for Children's Ice Cream to Explicitly Ban Industrially Produced Trans Fats
2023/1/3 14:18:00 本站

Recently, the One Health Working Group of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) learned that on December 26, 2022, the Group Standard Children's Ice Cream was proposed and managed by the Standardization Technical Committee of the China Non-staple Food Circulation Association.


In order to give full play to the advantages of the characteristic flexible think tank of the national first-level society, and actively contribute to the construction of ecological civilization, the working group of the One Health of CBCGDF attaches great importance to it, carefully studies it, and puts forward the following 1 suggestion for reference.



It is recommended to include industrially produced trans fats (acids) in the mandatory labeling content, and it should be clearly stipulated that industrially produced trans fats (acids) should be removed from the list of raw and auxiliary materials for children's ice cream.



1. Industrially produced trans fats arise from the industrial process of hydrogenating vegetable oils to turn liquids into solids to form "partially hydrogenated" oils. The synthetic can be found in cakes, cookies, packaged foods, cooking oils and spreads, and has been linked to an increased risk of heart attack and death from heart disease. Eliminating trans fats from the global food supply could prevent heart attacks, saving lives and reducing the healthcare burden. (Source: World Health Organization)


2. The World Health Organization has put forward the global goal of "eliminating industrially produced trans fats by 2023". As 2023 is approaching, all countries in the world need to accelerate their actions to protect public health.


(Reference: World Health Organization, Draft Thirteenth General Program of Work 2019-2023. https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA71/A71_4-ch.pdf)


(SourceThe Group Standard for Children's Ice Cream,




Original Chinese Article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mCLoRFXL6EImkoPPKKjsHg

Translator: Daisy


Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776



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