How Do You Feel About the Act of Picking Wild Orchids as a Gesture?
2020/4/19 15:24:00 本站

Since ancient times, holiness and elegance have been synonymous with orchids, known as gentlemen among flowers. With a combination of elegance and vulgarity, there is no lack of simplicity and it is widely loved by gentlepersons dynasties literati.


In today's noisy society, there is a stream of material desires, bright lights, and a mirror of prosperity. Many elegant people like orchids, and many wild orchids face the plight of being picked down and out of the forest. Driven by economic interests, orchids are collected on a large-scale predatory basis. Some greedy people dig out the orchids one by one with the snakeskin bags and sell them close by. Selling one cart after another, digging and picking wherever they see orchids, led the number of wild orchids in the wild is reduced very quickly! Some types of orchids are endangered on a quarterly nature. It is difficult to buy orchids on the market, resulting in some orchids being sold to tens or even millions! Some people collect wild orchids in their homes or put them in vases. Are these behaviors elegant?


Recently, a teacher from Tsinghua University sent an article that revealed that someone had picked wild orchids on the mountain in order to express her gesture.


One paragraph of the article is written like this:


So too late to have lunch, she began to contact towns and villages, and volunteer Wang Xiaoli, drove to her hometown of Sanligang, and guided by local villagers, went to the mountain to find and pick orchids. After several hours of hard work, orchids were finally collected on the mountain. Although the number is not very large, it is enough to put a bunch on each vehicle of the medical teams sent to aid Jiangxi. With this bunch of orchids, the unique fragrance of orchids representing the wishes of more than 2 million Suizhou people will be emitted from the vehicles.


From the content of the article, we can probably understand that sending flowers to the medical teams, saying that if they couldn't buy flowers, they took the rain and picked wild orchids in the mountains.


Regarding such behavior, another teacher said this: Come one! Such kind of shameful thing! How come to promote it? If you want to express gratitude, can you make a special dish? Can you buy fresh cut flowers? Or can you embroider pennants? What is better than destroying the ecology? "Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" should be kept in mind! Orchid as a "city flower", shouldn't it be publicized throughout the city to let the public understand the characteristics and value of orchids and the significance of orchids?


What do you think of it?

Original Chinese article:

By / Maggie, Jin Zhihao