Proposal to adjust the "Product List for Increasing Export Tax Rebate Rate" to exclude some animal products from the food catalog | CBCGDF wrote to the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation
2020/4/18 18:46:00 本站

On April 15th, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) sends an official letter to both the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration, suggesting to adjust the List of Exported Products Whose Tax Rebates Are Increased.


On March 17th, the two Chinese departments co-published the Announcement on Increasing the Export Rebate Rates of Partial Goods and the List of Exported Products Which Are Increased Tax Rebates. Over 1,400 products are incorporated in the list, and the tax incentive will lower operating costs and ease cash shortages for trading enterprises, maintaining the development of the industry of foreign trade under the COVID-19 pandemic.


However, after reviewing the list colleagues of CBCGDF note that animals and products such as edible snakes, edible turtles, primate meat, beaver and civet musk, and rhino horns are included in the list, as well as animals like the manatee, walrus, dugong, and porpoise, which the list doesn't clarify whether these animals are from artificial breeding or wild-capture. Some products are marked "For the purpose of eating".


Therefore, CBCGDF advises the two national policymakers to adapt the list to fulfill the Decision of Banning Illegal Wildlife Trade, Abolishing the Practice of Eating Wildlife, and Securing Public Health Security came into force on February 24th. According to the Decision, it is completely forbidden to eat "terrestrial wildlife of important ecological, scientific and social value," as well as other terrestrial wildlife, including terrestrial wildlife that is artificially bred or raised.

Original Chinese article:

By / Wang Yanqing