The Establishment of the “China Pangolin Research Center” has Received the Attention of Dr. Sun Jingmin from the Pingdong University of Science and Technology in Taiwan, and He is Willing to Contribute
2019/3/3 21:48:00 本站

On February 20, CBCGDF and Xi’an Jiaotong-liverpool University officially signed the "China Pangolin Research Center" Cooperation Agreement to create the world's leading pangolin research institution.


The preparatory work of the Research Center is in the process of intensive progress.


Having been informed of this news, Sun Jingmin, who is studying PhD at Pingdong University of Science and Technology in Taiwan and has long studied the field investigation and monitoring of pangolins, quickly made contact with CBCGDF "Pangolin Girl" Sophia and expressed his willingness to join the protection and research work on pangolins.


Sophia also report the contact details with Dr. Sun to the Research Center in the first time.


In addition, in the past World Pangolin Day, Dr. Sun published a comprehensive study report on the protection of pangolins in Taiwan, detailing the protection of the Taiwanese subspecies of Chinese pangolins. While pangolins are under threat from poaching and illegal trade on a global scale, the situation in Taiwan is somehow different: the number of wild pangolins has remained consistently stable and has shown a trend of quantitative growth over the past 20 years. The report was based on radio tracking data on wild pangolins and a record of pangolins treated by the Taiwan Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation Center. Interestingly, the goal of the Taiwan rescue center is to release the treated pangolins into the wild as soon as possible, so there is no parasite treatment for them, because it is a natural phenomenon for wild animals to have parasites. Healthy pangolins are generally released into the wild within two weeks, most of which return to the wild within a week – the location of the release is usually selected in a protected area near the site of the pangolin discovery.

Original Chinese article:

By / Niu Jingmei