Government Information Disclosure of Hebei Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau Revoked | CBCGDF’s Tracking on Scale Information of African Giant Ground Pangolins
2020/1/7 9:27:00 本站

At the beginning of the new year, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) received good news from the National Forestry and Grassland Administration - a decision on administrative review. This decision letter revokes the Hebei Forestry and Grassland Bureau's response to the CBCGDF's application for information disclosure and requires them to redisclose the information!


In 2016, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) listed all eight pangolins in the world in Appendix I, on a global scale. According to China ’s "Wildlife Protection Law", the state prohibits sales, purchase and use the national key protection of wild animals and their products. It is necessary for the Hebei Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau to fully disclose the legal source, use, and destination of the scales of the African Giant Ground Pangolin (Manis gigantea) to the society to protect the public's right to know.


At the same time, Hebei Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau was suspected of illegally approving a pharmaceutical company to use Giant Ground Pangolin's scales for medicine. CBCGDF has taken the pharmaceutical company as the defendant, and listed Hebei Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau as the third person in an environmental public interest litigation.


CBCGDF looks forward to a new reply from the Hebei Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau!

Original Chinese article:

By / Maggie